Buxton Progress
is a small not-for-profit that exists to benefit the Buxton community through:
Strength in numbers.
Speaking up for those unable to do so themselves.
Working with community to identify and prioritise issues and opportunities.
Understanding government strategies and constraints. Not necessarily confined within them.
Using our resources and working with partners to make things happen.
Finding resources, such as grants, where needed.
Working to mutual benefit.
Supporting our local businesses.
Help the government to help us.
Need a grant but lack an ABN? Work with us to use ours.
Registered for GST so we can carry that overhead for you.
Buxton 3711 Community Fund
Funded by the Buxton Container Recycling scheme, this is now taking requests from community organisations to fund activities that benefit the Buxton Community.
See PDF on how to make a request.
Survey – Buxton Township northern boundary
The survey closed at end of October. Thank you to the many who responded. We are analysing the responses and plan to publish the results soon.
Buxton Community Plan
Public Noticeboard has been installed at Buxton Post Office (at Shell Station).
- View notices or post your own!
Another step in the Community Plan accomplished.
Buxton Open Spaces Committee
Created at Community Meeting on Sat Feb 24.
- Advisory body replaces former Buxton Recreation Reserve Committee.
- Under MoU with Murrindindi Shire.
See Open Spaces for more details.
Buxton Cuppa Time
Catch Up for a Cuppa and a Chat at Buxton Hall.
- Tuesday fortnightly, with Mobile Library outside.
- Alternates with Tuesday Chat in Marysville.
See Triangle News for more details.
Buxton Container (CDS) Recycling
Launched and operational since February.
- Expanded container collection at Buxton Fire Station.
- Donate refunds to Buxton 3711 Community from any CDS Refund Point in Victoria.
- Community groups can request from this funding.
See Recycling for more details.
Buxton Memorial Hall
Available for hire now.
- Hall
- Stage
- Meeting room
- Kitchen equipped
- Free Internet
- Audio-Visual (big screen)
- Outside decking
2206 Maroondah Hwy, Buxton VIC 3711
Buxton History Book
Order now! Stock is running out. See History Book for details.